June 19, 1983
One Hundred and Thirty Years of Service to Music
John H. Steinway, great grandson of founder Henry Engelhard Steinway and, at that time, Chairman of Steinway & Sons had talked with George Michalski on several occasions over the years.
In the spring of 1985, he met up with George at Hammel Music in Linovia, Michigan. When Michalski put pictures of his prized piano in front of the Chairman, he told George, “Sir, you have a true treasure”.
George solicited Steinway’s opinion on whom should perform the interior restoration. Former employees, Lloyd Meyer and Bob Philbin, were his choice. The two had founded Camilleri Pianoworks in New York where they carried on the Steinway tradition of excellence.
Michalski took the Chairman’s advice and in November 1986, brought the Golden Grand to Camilleri Pianowork’s restoration studio in the Chelsea district of Manhattan.